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November 2024
2024 Fall Intercollegiate Retreat
Are you a college student? We'd like to invite you to our annual Fall Intercollegiate Retreat at Mt. Irenaeus! We are very excited to host you and other young adults from area colleges and universities for a weekend of reflection, relaxation, fellowship, faith and fun! Our Intercollegiate Retreat will run the weekend of Nov 15-17. Participants are asked to arrive by 6 p.m. on Friday and stay until after brunch on Sunday, at approximately 2 p.m. Ready to commit to a…
Find out more »Ecological Stations of the Cross
Please use the form below to let us know you are coming. If you need a ride, meet at Café La Verna at noon and you will be back around 4 pm. This is mainly an outside event at the Mountain - please dress appropriately in warm clothes and sturdy shoes. <!-- If you embed multiple forms on your page, only copy one of the lines. Otherwise, multiple copies of the form will appear. -->
Find out more »2024 SBU Thanksgiving Dinner at the Mountain
SBU Students, Faculty and Staff - Are you missing a good home-cooked meal yet? You can always find one at the Mountain - but especially on Sunday, November 24! We are planning on a full home-cooked Thanksgiving Dinner and inviting you and all of your friends to join us (but please sign up before Nov 15)! We will give thanks to you and the goodness of God, our family and friends. Sign up below for this Thanksgiving feast! If you’d…
Find out more »December 2024
2024 Advent Overnight
Please use the form below to sign up! <!-- If you embed multiple forms on your page, only copy one of the lines. Otherwise, multiple copies of the form will appear. -->
Find out more »2024 Winter Reading Day Away
Please use the form below to sign up! <!-- If you embed multiple forms on your page, only copy one of the lines. Otherwise, multiple copies of the form will appear. -->
Find out more »Mountain in Your Home at Mike and Linda Camoin’s Home
Please join us at the home of Mike and Linda Camoin in Slingerlands, NY on Monday evening, December 16, 2024 at 5:45 pm for a 6 pm start time In the spirit of Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, we will gather for a dish-to-pass supper celebrated as a family in the Mountain style with Br. Joe Kotula, ofm leading us with a Gospel reading and time for reflection and fellowship following the meal. Please use the form below to sign up. …
Find out more »January 2025
Mountain Advent Series Zoom Gathering – hosted by the Young Alumni Group
Gather with us as we continue with our 2024 Mountain Advent Series Zoom Gatherings! This year's series is open to all in the community and will be hosted by our Young Alumni Conveners. Have you been able to join us at the Mountain, On the Road or virtually this past year? Don’t let another opportunity slip past you! Please join us by Zoom to celebrate the Holy Season of Advent leading up to the celebration of the birth of Jesus.…
Find out more »SBU Campus Event! Mountain 101
Join us in the Great Room of University Ministries on January 24. The doors open at 6:30 pm and the event will start at 7. Come for food, fun and friendship! Learn what the Mountain is and who the fabulous people are who live there, work there and visit! Let us know that you're thinking of coming by registering below - we need to plan for food and prizes! <!-- If you embed multiple forms on your page, only copy…
Find out more »February 2025
SBU Play in the Snow Day with optional overnight stay
Come to the Mountain on Saturday, February 1 and have some fun in a winter wonderland! Come join us to play in the snow and then warm up in the House of Peace with hot cocoa and help prepare dinner! What are some of the activities we have done in the past? Sledding Snow sculpting - would you like to build a snow friar? Hand-feed the wild birds! Rides leave campus from Café La Verna on Saturday, Feb 1 at…
Find out more »Chicago – Mountain in Your Home
Join us at 3:30 p.m. for a Mountain in Your Home Gathering that will take place on Sunday, February 2 We will gather at the home of our hosts: Rob Buckla and Rob Christopher 2203 W. Roscoe St. Chicago, IL A light reception will follow. Arrive early or stay late to enjoy the various shops and cafes in the neighborhood. You can find a guide at this link: Explore Roscoe Village Please sign up using the form below so that…
Find out more »————————————
If you’re spending time with us and wish to share some of your pictures, please use the hashtag #mtirenaeus or email them to [email protected] so we may use them on the website, social media and in printed publications. Thanks!