Co-Ministry With St. Bonaventure University
We are also involved in a number of other ways including with the Office of the President, faculty, staff, and development and alumni services. The Mountain and the University continue to work with each other to creatively consider new and exciting ways to bring the Franciscan spirituality that is center to our way of life and ministry to the university community and the entire world.
Mountain Community Leaders
Mountain Community Leaders serve as ministers primarily to the Mt. Irenaeus and the St. Bonaventure communities through the Gospel values of faith, peace, hope and love.
Take Time With Us!
Bona community: If you’re interested in taking time with us at the Mountain, check out the SBU Notice Board or our Facebook group for details.
Student Visits to the Mountain
Our Shared Ministry Goals
In light of our mission statement, our goals for ministry to St. Bonaventure University are:
- To create a “Holy Place” for “prayer and peaceful Re-Creation.”
- To offer a “safe place” for healing and hope in the Franciscan tradition for students and all others in the University community.
- To foster the education of the whole person through “experiential learning;” reflection on our actions and life’s events which leads to wisdom.
- To serve personal, spiritual and relational growth needs.
- Serve others by forming a community that encourages reflection and the integration of values chosen in light of one’s academic, social, physical, and spiritual knowledge and needs in today’s world.
- And by becoming “other oriented” and offering the spiritual formation needed for “service to others,” in conjunction with the other ministries present and active at St. Bonaventure.