Hungry for God – And Good Food
Remember the first time you sat around the great table in the House of Peace?
Perhaps you were with friends or teammates, laughing and loving each other in both familiar and new ways. Perhaps you were alone, a stranger to the gathering, quietly taking it all in. Perhaps it was your first time in months eating something other than instant noodles in your dorm room.
You all found a place at the table where all are welcomed. Where our community finds nourishment both for our bodies and for our souls. We recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread, and so too, we recognize Him in those gathered around the table with us. We find God in each other, in ourselves, and in the simplicity of sharing a meal. Around this table, we are all valued, all worthy, whether we come in celebration or in our brokenness. And all leave nourished for the journey ahead.
There are many tables at Mt. Irenaeus:
- Our dining room table provides community and nourishment for our bodies.
- Our spiritual table in the Chapel brings us into communion with God.
- Our garden provides access to nature’s table, the bounty of which brings us closer to the Earth and then to each other as we share the fruits of our labor back at the dining room table.
Support the Next Generation of Table Experiences
We invite you to help the next generation experience that same feeling of community and enjoy that strength of nourishment. By becoming a monthly donor, you can provide an experience of all of our tables for students visiting Mt. Irenaeus. For as little as $5 a month, you can make a difference in the life of a student who finds their way up the Mountain, hungry for God – and good food!
How does your monthly donation help?
- $5 a month ($60/year) pays for one student’s dinner at the House of Peace.
- $10 a month ($120/year) pays for one student’s overnight at the Mountain.
- $25 a month ($300/year) pays for transportation for students from campus.